Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Handquilting Adventures !

Sure is difficult for me to handle a bigger quilt under my machine, so I'm trying my hand at good ole hand quilting. I have admired the look but never been able to get it quite right, but I think that now is the time to set my hand and heart to getting it right ! I also need to work on some more tops and get them finished . **** If you're down around southeast Texas or southwest Louisiana come and visit the farmers market while it is still on ! Located at the parking lot of Bealls on Mac Arthur Drive in Orange Texas each Sat. of the month . Starts early and we all usually are cleared out around 1:00 , don't know how much longer it will be going on, but we will periodically be setting up after also, you can E-Mail me if you would like directions or to find out if we will be showing . Maybe we will see y'all ! **** Also don't miss the other offerings there; our neighboring marketeers have farm raised fresh green onions , they smell awesome, also my oldest son bought a jar of mayhaw jelly a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it, cookies, sweet potatoes and more, my children take their money earned and shop and bring me back delicious surprises ! Here is a photo of one of the favorite baby shower quilts we sell, it seems to fit what people look for in a baby shower gift, it is called baby prayer quilt and we do it in different color and material formats but this is the one we have left until we make another. The next one is going to be the prayer blocks spaced with a muted color blue-ish old fashioned airplane fabric, it's going to be beautiful for a boy !

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hiatus Over !

It's been a while since last post, busy with business and other things to take care of. Well, down to the point of the blog...Quilts ! We finally have some made ahead to upload for y'all, some of the ones that are sold I won't bother to take up space on here. Hope y'all like them; we missed out on great opportunities around our area last gift-giving season but this year we have started taking time to attend the various festivals and such . Last Saturday we were at a farmers market set up with some others from the area and we stayed about three hours and sold one. It was an honor because the one that sold was a prayer theme baby boy quilt that a couple bought for a christian couple's first baby. Made me feel proud. Weather is going to be wet and cold this Sat. if the weatherman is right, so no selling this Sat. E-mail me if you would like more info on the quilts pictured, they won't be uploaded onto business website with their measurements until probably Fri. evening or Sat.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

God's Abundant Mercy

Here is an A. W. Tozer sermon on God's mercy that I wanted to share with y'all. You can go to Sermonindex.net and download and read more from Tozer plus other men and women of God. Stay blessed ! Click Here and scroll down to the sermon that is titled God's Abundant Mercy

Monday, June 1, 2009

Baby Shower Gift

Here is a photo of a baby shower gift we finished recently for a young couple from our church. The mom chose brown and pink for her theme colors and we think she did pretty good with her choice. These two predominate colors really hit it off !It was fun to make and a joy to see the pleasure when this young couple got it. I have a couple more orders for ones like this but we will change them up a bit so that none we do are exact matches, we make one of a kinds !

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Still in business !

Hello, sorry to not have updated in a while. Yes, still in business. My dear husband has been working hard on his job from hurricane Ike damage, finally the industrial plant he works at is up and totally running good again. Well he is now turning his attention to our home, he could not do much of that before because of his work schedule. I am so proud of the upgrades he has made to our home ! I thank God for him and the work he has done to fix our home up so nicely. There is still alot of fixing up, but it's getting done ! Obviously he hasn't got to do very much quilting in the past 8 months, but hopefully he can get back to some of his hobby. As for me and our blessings, we have been taking it slowly at most of our homeschooling. The exception is the reading. We will be working thruout the summer with intermittent breaks in working. Hey, you just got to have a fun movie and popcorn day, or a pic nic day ! You can still find ways that make them a learning opportunity . We do alot of our eating and schooling outside, it just works great for us. The quilting is kind of slow on my end also, I have many great ideas and quilts in progress in my head ( just not done yet ). Hopefully I can get back into the quilting groove. Probably will have to because done here in Texas, it gets mighty hot come summertime. We have been very blessed in our gardening lately, I have included a few pepper plant photos. I am eager to try some pickling and canning , maybe pepper slices and homeade salsa and hot sauces ! Well, that's it for today's update, hope you enjoy the photos !