Monday, December 15, 2008

Where's Christ in X-Mas ?

Just a little reminder, please remember Jesus, after all , this season is supposed to celebrate His coming to earth to begin His redemptive work for mankind. The commercialism and total lack of even the mention of the REAL reason for Christmas is utterly shocking. My children watched a show on a VHS tape they borrowed from Grandma and it was supposed to be about Christmas, well the whole entire episode was about Santa and his elves and the meaning of the season as being about learning to be a good friend and the main charactors sang about giving and friendship. I waited and rewatched to see where Jesus was mentioned. NOwhere ! How can someone celebrate Christmas without Christ ? I guess maybe they were celebrating X-Mas instead ! Not everyone is familiar with Greek and Roman alphabets and writing !

Saturday, December 13, 2008

When will men and women realize that when God calls us out He is completely faithful to call us into something better? A.W. Tozer Thank you to